
本私隱政策(下稱「政策」)適用於所有進入、瀏覽、登入、下載或使用榮興石油有限公司 Wing Hing Oil Company Limited(下稱「榮興」)所擁有及營運的網頁、網店、線上銷售平台、Facebook專頁、Instagram專頁、手機應用程式、或其他電子媒體服務(以上各服務統稱「榮興電子媒體服務」)的使用者。閣下登入、瀏覽、下載或使用榮興電子媒體服務,即表示閣下同意本政策以及本政策中所描述的收集、使用、存取、保留、披露和處理閣下的個人資料。如閣下不接受本政策,請停止進入、瀏覽、登入、下載或使用榮興電子媒體服務。



  • 當閣下成為榮興石油氣客戶、維修或工程客戶、零售產品客戶,或參與榮興會員計劃或顧客獎賞計劃、或享用任何榮興電子媒體服務時,需要自願及不時向榮興提供足夠但不超乎適度的個人資料。如閣下未能向榮興提供或更新閣下個人資料,榮興可能無法向閣下提供服務。
  • 閣下必須通知榮興閣下最新的個人資料,榮興將不會就閣下未能通知有關更改而引致的任何損失承擔任何責任。
  • 榮興將會採取所有合理切實可行的方法,以確保個人資料受到保障,不會在未經許可或意外的情況下被查閱、處理、刪除或作其他用途,並確保閣下可以獲悉榮興所持有的個人資料的種類以及主要用途。
  • 榮興對於收集、使用、保存、披露、移轉、保護及存取個人資料的政策和做法,均遵照條例規定的責任及要求,包括個人資料(私隱)條例。





顧客及收貨人姓名、公司名稱、地址、大廈閘門密碼、手機及其他聯絡電話號碼、對於有關產品及/或服務之偏好及要求、有關交易之資料 (包括產品及/或服務的細節、訂單及交易日期及時間、送貨資料、付款金額及方式等)、電郵地址、Facebook賬號、Instagram賬號、以及對榮興產品及/或服務的意見。




  1. 處理帳戶申請;設立新帳戶及管理帳戶;
  2. 申請成為客戶、用戶或會員,作身份核證及紀錄;
  3. 客戶、用戶、會員、訂單、付款流程、交易收據、或獎賞計劃的日常管理、運作及保養;
  4. 向閣下提供我們及其有關機構的定期訊息,包括但不限於客戶、用戶、會員或獎賞計劃詳情、最新服務消息、產品、優惠及聯合推廣資訊;
  5. 與閣下溝通;
  6. 榮興、有關連公司、代理人、承辦商等之任何產品或服務之推廣及宣傳;
  7. 將閣下的資料,例如個人資料、消費及優惠下載記錄等,進行數據排序及分析,使榮興能了解閣下的特點及購買行為,向閣下提供更符合閣下需要的服務和執行閣下之指示及申請、處理查詢及投訴;
  8. 防止欺詐和濫用榮興的服務,維護資料的安全性;
  9. 進行客戶、用戶、產品及服務調查;
  10. 設計榮興或合作商戶提供的新服務,或改善現有服務;
  11. 處理訂單、付款(包括直接於賬戶內扣減優惠或轉至有關系統之付款指示)以及各類服務要求;
  12. 當閣下使用榮興電子媒體服務時,處理及顯示閣下的資料;
  13. 本政策以外任何閣下及榮興之間可能同意的目的。



如榮興被法庭強制或被政府單位要求,或榮興決定就遵守法律或保護或維護榮興的權利或財產而言屬必要或適宜,榮興保留披露榮興持有關於閣下的任何個人資料的權利。榮興亦保留儲存並處理所收集的資料以符合會計和稅務規則及法規的權利。 除本文所述外,榮興不允許將個人身份識別資料出售或轉移給任何第三方。


榮興可能會使用閣下的資料以達到以下直接促銷的用途 (無論通過郵件、電郵、電話、手機短訊、WhatsApp、Facebook Messenger或類似形式):

  1. 有關由榮興提供的店內活動、服務、產品最新消息、優惠、推廣、現金券及優惠券;
  2. 榮興的合作夥伴提供的活動、服務、產品最新消息、優惠、推廣、現金券及優惠券。

閣可發送電子郵件至 privacy@wslpg.com 要求榮興停止使用閣下的個人資料作直接促銷用途。榮興將不會收取費用並於合理時間內停止使用閣下的個人資料作直接促銷用途。





在閣下未拒絕接受cookies的情況下,榮興會到閣下的電腦或電子設備以設定並取用cookies,以便登入或使用依賴於cookies的服務或功能。榮興可能使用cookies為閣下提供更周到的個性化服務(包括廣告及推廣服務) 。閣下有權選擇接受或拒絕接受cookies。閣下可以通過修改瀏覽器設置拒絕接受cookies。如果閣下選擇拒絕接受cookies,則可能無法登錄或使用依賴於cookies的服務或功能。通過榮興所設cookies所取得的有關訊息,將適用此私隱政策。榮興可以在所有榮興電子媒體服務上使用cookies,並允許第三方將cookies放置於電子媒體服務上以監測廣告的效果或用於其他合法目的。



  1. 查核榮興是否持有閣下的個人資料紀錄;
  2. 查閱榮興持有閣下的個人資料紀錄;
  3. 更改閣下任何不正確的個人資料紀錄;
  4. 確定榮興就個人資料不時採取的政策及常規;
  5. 隨時要求不再收到榮興發出的直接宣傳資料。

如欲提出任何上述的要求或對榮興的個人私隱之陳述有任何查詢,請發送電郵至 privacy@wslpg.com,榮興只接受書面要求。當閣下給榮興發送電子郵件時,請說明查詢類型、全名、公司名稱(如有)、聯絡電話號碼、電郵地址或有關交易資料,以便榮興確認閣下的身份。根據有關條例,榮興有權對查閱個人資料的要求收取合理的處理費用。







This Privacy Policy (“the Policy”) applies to all users who access, browse, login, download or use web sites, eShops, online sales platforms, Facebook pages, Instagram pages, mobile applications, or any other electronic media services (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Wing Hing Electronic Media Services”) owned and operated by Wing Hing Oil Company Limited (“Wing Hing”). By accessing, browsing, logging-in, downloading or using Wing Hing Electronic Media Services, you indicate your acceptance to this Policy, and the collection, use, access, retention, disclosure and processing of your personal data described in this Policy. If you do not accept this Policy, please stop accessing, browsing, logging in, downloading or using Wing Hing Electronic Media Services.

Wing Hing is committed to protect your personal privacy. Wing Hing will use and disclose your personal data in accordance with the provisions of this Policy. Wing Hing reserves the right to update or modify the contents of Wing Hing Electronic Media Services at any time, and can unilaterally modify this Policy without any prior notice. You should review this Policy regularly for any changes. Your continued use of Wing Hing Electronic Media Services constitutes your acceptance to be bound by any changes to the Policy. If there is any inconsistency between this Policy and other terms and conditions of use of Wing Hing, this Policy shall prevail.

Personal Data Collection Policy

  1. When you become an LPG customer, a maintenance or engineering works customer or a retail sales customer of Wing Hing, or join a membership plan or customer reward program of Wing Hing, or enjoy any Wing Hing Electronic Media Services, it is necessary to voluntarily and from time to time provide Wing Hing with sufficient but not excessive personal data. If you are unable to provide or update your personal data to Wing Hing, Wing Hing may not be able to provide services to you.
  2. You must notify Wing Hing of your latest personal data; and Wing Hing shall not be liable for any losses caused by your failure to notify the relevant changes.
  3. Wing Hing shall take all reasonable and practicable steps to ensure that your personal data is protected against unauthorized or accidental access, processing, deletion or use, and to ensure that you may be informed of the types of personal data held and the main purposes for which it is held by Wing Hing.
  4. Wing Hing complies with the responsibilities and requirements stipulated in the regulations, including the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, for the policies and practices of collecting, using, storing, disclosing, transferring, protecting and accessing personal data.

Storage of Personal Data

The collected personal data will only be used for the purpose for which the relevant data was collected. Unless you request in writing to clear the personal data from the database, your personal data will be kept for a reasonable period of time necessary to use the data.

Types of Personal Data Collected

Wing Hing may request you to provide some or all of the following personal data:

Customer and consignee name, company name, address, building gate passcode, mobile phone and other contact phone numbers, preferences and requirements for related products and/or services, information about related transactions (including product and/or service details, order and transaction date and time, delivery information, payment amount and method), email address, Facebook account, Instagram account, and opinions on our products and/or services.

You agree that such information is provided to Wing Hing on a voluntary basis.

Use of Personal Data Collected

You agree and understand that any and all personal data supplied by you and collected by Wing Hing may be used for the following purposes:

  1. Processing account applications; setting up new accounts and managing accounts;
  2. For identity verification and records when applying to become a customer, user or member;
  3. Daily management, operation and maintenance of customers, users, members, orders, payment processes, transaction receipts, or reward programs;
  4. To provide you with regular information from us and our related organizations, including but not limited to, details of customers, users, membership or reward programs, latest service news, products, offers and joint promotion information;
  5. To communicate with you;
  6. Promotion and advertising of any products or services of Wing Hing, Wing Hing’s related companies, agents and contractors;
  7. Sorting and analysis of your information (such as personal data, consumption records and preferential download records) in order for Wing Hing to understand your characteristics and purchase behavior so that you may be provided with services better meeting your needs, to execute your instructions and applications, and to handle inquiries and complaints;
  8. Prevent fraud and abuse of Wing Hing’s services, and maintain data security;
  9. Conduct customer, user, product and service surveys;
  10. To design new services provided by Wing Hing or cooperative merchants, or to improve existing services;
  11. Processing orders, payments (including directly deducting discounts from accounts or transferring payment instructions to relevant systems) and various service requests;
  12. Processing and displaying your information when you use Wing Hing Electronic Media Services;
  13. Any purpose that may be agreed between you and Wing Hing other than this Policy.

Data Sharing and Disclosure

Wing Hing may disclose and transfer your personal data to Wing Hing’s related companies, employees, managers, business partners, service providers, information technology providers, third-party payment gateway service providers, and any other persons whom Wing Hing has determined appropriate or necessary in order to provide products and/or services to you. Unless required by law, Wing Hing will not use, share or sell your personal data in a manner unrelated to the above purposes without your prior consent.

Wing Hing reserves the right to disclose any personal data held about you if compelled by a court or required by a governmental authority, or if Wing Hing decides it is necessary or expedient to comply with the law or to protect or preserve our rights or property right. Wing Hing also reserves the right to store and process the collected data to comply with accounting and tax rules and regulations.

Except as described herein, Wing Hing does not permit the sale or transfer of personally identifiable information to any third parties.

Direct Marketing

Wing Hing may use your information for the following direct marketing purposes (whether by mail, email, telephone, SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger or similar):

  1. Regarding in-store activities, services, product updates, offers, promotions, cash coupons and coupons provided by Wing Hing;
  2. Activities, services, latest product news, discounts, promotions, cash coupons and coupons provided by Wing Hing’s partners.

You may send an email to privacy@wslpg.com to request Wing Hing to stop using your personal data for direct marketing purposes. Wing Hing will not charge any fees and will stop using your personal data for direct marketing purposes within a reasonable period of time.

If you choose not to receive direct marketing information sent by Wing Hing, Wing Hing will still send you information about customers, users or members, and non-promotional information related to Wing Hing services, including but not limited to, account status, order status and messages, and administrative arrangements. You have the obligation and responsibility to receive and read such information.

Security of Personal Data

Wing Hing promises to protect your personal data, which can only be viewed by Wing Hing’s authorized personnel, and shall ensure that all authorized personnel abide by the strictest security and confidentiality standards. Although Wing Hing would work to the best of efforts to protect personal data collected, Wing Hing cannot guarantee that any such data will not be subject to hacking, interference or abuse, and if such incidents should occur, Wing Hing shall not be held liable for any loss or damage whatsoever as a result.

Use of Cookies

If you do not refuse to accept cookies, Wing Hing will configure and access cookies on your computer or electronic device in order to log in or use services or functions that rely on cookies. Wing Hing may use cookies to provide you with more comprehensive and personalized services (including advertising and promotion services). You have the right to choose to accept or refuse to accept cookies. You may refuse to accept cookies by modifying your browser settings. If you choose to refuse to accept cookies, you may be unable to log in or use services or functions that rely on cookies. This Policy applies to the relevant information obtained through cookies dispatched by Wing Hing. Wing Hing may use cookies on all Wing Hing Electronic Media Services, and allows third parties to place cookies on Electronic Media Services to monitor the effectiveness of advertisements or for other legal purposes.

Enquiry and Update of Personal Data

You have the right to:

  1. Check whether Wing Hing holds any of your personal data;
  2. Review any records of your personal data that are held by Wing Hing;
  3. Revise any incorrect personal data;
  4. Ascertain the policies and practices administered by Wing Hing from time to time with respect to personal data;
  5. Request not to receive direct promotional materials from Wing Hing at any time.

If you want to make any of the above requests or have any inquiries about Wing Hing’s personal privacy statement, please send an email to privacy@wslpg.com. Wing Hing only accepts written requests. When you send an e-mail to Wing Hing, please indicate the type of inquiry, full name, company name (if any), contact phone number, email address or relevant transaction information, so that Wing Hing can confirm your identity. According to the relevant regulations, Wing Hing has the right to charge a reasonable processing fee for the request for access to personal data.


Wing Hing has no plan or intention to provide services or sell products to anyone under the age of 18 or obtain their personal data on any Wing Hing electronic media service platform. If you are under the age of 18, you should not provide any personal data on any Wing Hing electronic media service platform. Please contact your parents or guardians to order Wing Hing services or products on your behalf.


In case of any inconsistency between the Chinese and English versions of this Policy, the Chinese version shall prevail.

10 April 2023