




  • 完全打開石油氣調節器閥門
  • 按下火力控制旋鈕,逆時針轉至大火HI位置
  • 按壓火力控制旋鈕約30秒,同時按點火掣,燃點暖燈,直到鬆開火力控制旋鈕後暖燈繼續燃燒為止,如點火失敗,請重複以上步驟
  • 轉動火力控制旋鈕以調整火力大小


  • 順時針轉動火力控制旋鈕至關火OFF位置
  • 完全關閉石油氣調節器閥門

Instructions for Use

Please read instructions carefully before use.

Before first use and after each replacement of the LPG cylinder, air must be drained from the gas supply system. To drain air out, open the LPG regulator valve in full. Press and turn the Flame Control Knob counter-clockwise to the HI position for 1 minute.


  • Open the LPG regulator valve in full.
  • Press and turn the Flame Control Knob counter-clockwise to the HI position.
  • Hold down the Flame Control Knob for about 30 seconds, and press the Ignition Switch at the same time to ignite the heat lamp. Continue to hold until the heat lamp keeps on burning after releasing the Flame Control Knob. If ignition fails, repeat the above steps.
  • Turn the Flame Control Knob to adjust the heating level.

Shut Down

  • Turn the Flame Control Knob clockwise to the OFF position.
  • Close the LPG regulator valve completely.